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Posted in : "2021 - April"

  • A detailed guide about kids microphone 2021: MIC-K17
    A detailed guide about kids microphone 2021: MIC-K17
    6192 Views Liked

    Kids love expressing their internal self using vocals, let that be singing or speaking. Microphones allow your kids to do that with confidence because they are the leader with a mic in hand.Mic-k17 is the ultimate microphone for both boys and girls, who love to play, sing, speak and perform. Toyard is a leading kids' microphone supplier. The microphone keeps you and your child entertained. With the press and go feature, it comes in handy. Mic-K17 is strong and made of premium quality material. 

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  • Why is the conference microphone so popular?
    Why is the conference microphone so popular?
    3640 Views Liked

    The ability to cooperate depends on the availability of good equipment. Hardware that is difficult to use is usually annoying. And poor audio quality in video calls can be a problem for fruitful collaborations. Rather than buying something, conference sound quality can be improved by choosing the right microphone for a particular situation.

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  • What is the difference between good and bad microphones?
    What is the difference between good and bad microphones?
    5564 Views Liked

    The quality of the sounds a mic produces isn't determined by the brand or the microphone's price; but instead, it depends on if the microphone is right for the setting. When you're getting a microphone, your number one priority will be getting a good one to produce high-quality sounds during use. That’s why you should be able to tell the best microphone that will give you the best quality sounds You're looking for. Technically speaking, except the mic is faulty, there's no such thing as a bad...

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  • How to deal with the cause of microphone whistle?
    How to deal with the cause of microphone whistle?
    3985 Views Liked

    The whistling noise of the microphone is caused by so-called feedback. Everyone who has worked with Bluetooth microphones knows about the feedback of sound equipment. It is a speaker Microphone malfunction, which is a ringing noise that is sometimes present in sound systems. This is caused by such a "looped signal".  The most common cause of the feedback is when a microphone feeds a signal to a sound system, which then amplifies and outputs the signal from the speaker and that signal is...

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  • What are the acoustic principles for a microphone?
    What are the acoustic principles for a microphone?
    4811 Views Liked

    The sound quality produced when you use the microphone depends on the kind of microphone and environment. A noisy environment will produce distorted sounds, e.g., a stage compared to a studio with the right kind of insulation that will increase audio quality. Plus getting the best sound quality microphone helps. Even though microphones have evolved through the years to create the wonderful sounds we now hear out of our speakers, there is still some really interesting quality enhancing methods...

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  • Why is it important to have the sponge layer in the microphone?
    Why is it important to have the sponge layer in the microphone?
    7342 Views Liked

    Inside the microphone, it’s made up of many different parts. Some parts are naturally none detachable, some are crucial to the microphone's functioning, and some are neither of the two but are still considered a part of the microphone. One of those things that come to mind is the sponge layer of the microphone. This layer, often enough, isn't of any importance to the microphone or the sound the mic produces, but it's still considered an important accessory because of the sponge effect it has.

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  • The difference between dynamic microphones and condenser microphones
    The difference between dynamic microphones and condenser microphones
    5149 Views Liked

    For whatever job you might need a microphone for, sound producer or podcast host, it's of great importance that you select the right fit and the best microphone for the job. Depending on what kind of job you want to do, you need to find the perfect mic. In choosing the perfect mic, in as much as there are various choices, I'm terms of sound, there are only two types to choose from: Dynamic microphones and Condenser microphones.

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  • Do have have the feeling that battery consumption of the microphone always fast sometimes?
    Do have have the feeling that battery consumption of the microphone always fast sometimes?
    6256 Views Liked

    Choosing the right battery microphone is one of the most critical decisions on the way to quality recording.The microphone is the link between the acoustic sound created by a particular instrument or voice and how that sound will be immortalized. But before choosing a microphone, you need to know that it is Bluetooth microphones that consume the most energy and, accordingly, have the fastest battery drain, and this can be influenced by many factors.

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  • How to use the Bluetooth Microphone correctly?
    How to use the Bluetooth Microphone correctly?
    5375 Views Liked

    From a technological perspective, a wireless microphone speaker is an excellent alternative to a typical wired connection. However, in the present article, we will discuss an exciting topic: How Bluetooth connectivity gives you flexibility anywhere in the room to best capture participants. How to set up your Bluetooth microphone correctly with your phone or tablet.

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  • 10 Reasons why kid's microphones are trending in the EU and the USA
    10 Reasons why kid's microphones are trending in the EU and the USA
    3042 Views Liked

    This article is mainly to discuss the benefits that kids microphone as a toy can bring to our kids. If your child has ever shown stubbornness for a microphone and you haven't got him or her yet, then you might be suppressing his will to imitate himself in the spotlight. There are enormous advantages that can be linked to microphones.  

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  • What are the working principles of different types of microphones?
    What are the working principles of different types of microphones?
    5259 Views Liked

    This article is to discuss the different kinds of microphones work. A microphone works by converting sound waves that pass through it into an electric signal; this electric signal then gets transmitted into the speakers producing the final amplified sound. But the manner in which the electric signal is produced is dependent on the type of microphone. That's why some microphones are more suitable for a specific setting than other kinds of a microphone. For example, a dynamic microphone is...

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  • Structure of a microphone
    Structure of a microphone
    7844 Views Liked

    The exterior of a microphone is so small and simple that it can be unbelievable to think that it's filled with so many parts that work together and are responsible for the sound that we hear over the speakers. The individual components each play a role in creating the electric signal transmitted into the speakers and amplifying the sounds produced. And it's these components that make up the microphone structure and is responsible for the microphone's works.

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Showing 1 to 12 of 20 (2 Pages)